Our goal is to exceed your expectations during every phase of the project with our renowned customer service, 24–7 support, builds, products, and installation services.
Ozone Generators, Ozone System Products, LSS Equipment
Platforms, Pump Skids, Filtration, and More!
Aquariums to Water Treatment Plants
Our goal is to exceed your expectations during every phase of the project with our renowned customer service, 24–7 support, builds, products, and installation services.
Telchine Energy Technologies is a US-based Original Equipment Manufacturer who produces turnkey technology that eliminates issues commonly plaguing the ozone market today. We have spent decades developing the advanced technology that exceed any production, efficiency, and industry standards.
Our technology is so advanced, consistent, and intelligent that our equipment manages itself, is self-reliant, and anticipates common process issues where our competitors cannot. We serve over 50 industries, below are some of the most popular.
We serve multiple industries, and are always looking to extend our knowledge base. Some of the applications that we have extensive experience in are municipal water treatment plants, aquaculture, animal life support systems, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, textiles, agriculture, bottling, and much more!
Although we have standardized products, we can also customize and modify any of our machines to best suit your needs, environment, and situation. We also provide customized automation upgrades and retro-fits to ensure that your business is running smoothly. Unlike some of our competitors, we are available 24–7‑365. You will not be left without the service that you and your business require!