OEM Products

Ozone Generators, Ozone System Products, LSS Equipment

Installation Services

Platforms, Pump Skids, Filtration, and More!

Industry Solutions

Aquariums to Water Treatment Plants

Industries We Serve

Industries We Serve

Telchine specializes in the below industries in all ozone generation, water treatment systems, installation, and design engineering! 



We are focused on providing the Aquaculture Industry with design services, construction supervision, commissioning services and operational support. In short, we cover the “Full Spectrum”. We specialize in both recirculating as well as flow-through aquaculture facilities 


Water Treatment Plants

Telchine provides ozone system services, design engineering, installation, and our OEM products to all aspects of the process. 



Not only do we provide our ozone related system technology and products for all of your applications, but we are able to troubleshoot, service, design, and install systems of all aspects! 



Whether you need a 100 gallon exhibit or a 10M+ gallon exhibit treated, Telchine is here to help support you and your entire system throughout the whole process.


Animal Life Support

Telchine not only is an OEM of Ozone Generators and its ancilliary equipment, but we also design engineer, provide, service, and install all other aspects of the LSS world. Filtration, pumps, injection, air prep, compressors, automation, and much more! 


Raw Seawater Intake Treatment

Raw seawater contains many toxins that can be very harmful to your application, such as brevetoxin, which can cause red tide among other things. We design engineer, automate, and install systems that treat your application so that your process is not only clean and efficient, but simple to use, and extremely reliable! 


Food and Beverage

Ozone systems can eliminate harmful contaminants in both your food and beverage. We can treat both gas and liquid forms (air, water treatments, etc) to not only remove the harmful contaminants, but significantly extend the life of your products. 



Telchine’s ozone systems can be used for bleaching, washing, and treating textiles, as well as all wastewater. Using our ozone systems can reduce your chemical use, save you on energy, and significantly reduce hazardous waste. 



Telchine’s ozone systems can not only kill any harmful contaminants or bacteria that may damage your crops, they also have no harmful bi-products and they protect your crops and your process.