OEM Products

Ozone Generators, Ozone System Products, LSS Equipment

Installation Services

Platforms, Pump Skids, Filtration, and More!

Industry Solutions

Aquariums to Water Treatment Plants

Oxygen Fed


Years of experience

About Oxygen Fed Ozone Generators

Telchine’s oxygen fed ozone generator technology is by far the most advanced on the market today. Complete with our easy to use technology, developed with the end user in mind, and our all-in-one packages, you will not only be impressed with how efficient, reliable, and consistent our generators are, but how easy it is to use them. Please see below features table, and spec sheet!

Our standard ozone generators produce 5g/hr up to 140g/hr and more, however, with that said, all of our products can be customized to fit any needs that you have.

More About Oxygen Fed Ozone Generators

Ozone gas can be used to disinfect a water supply when it is injected into a side stream of treatment water. The ozone acts as an oxidant, which safely sanitizes the water with no concerns for by-products.

The Telchine Energy Technologies oxygen fed all-in-one ozone generator system includes all the required equipment and safety systems in a single air-cooled enclosure, for safe and reliable ozone generation and distribution to the injection skid. This includes an onboard oxygen concentration system, ozone generator, ozone ambient monitor, and PLC based controls system with HMI touchscreen. It can run in manual mode, or via our automation and controls platform. The entire system is designed to hold up in harsh, corrosive environments, where other systems will corrode and fail. For even more critical operation, redundant generators are available which can maintain ozone generation even if an ozone cell experiences unplanned downtime.

Telchine ozone generators can be purchased “off the shelf” or built as custom generators to match your exact project requirements. Cabinet air conditioning, remote management and control of other process equipment and sensors, multi-zone control with flow splitters, and retrofit units are just some of the features that can be customized.

Telchine’s standard ozone generators come in 3 different size enclosures, with three different enclosure materials depending on your needs and the environment that it is going in. They can be skid mounted, or wall mounted.  Please see below and our specification sheet for more information.

All of our generators come with the full suite of Telchine Automation Technology, to include a touch screen HMI that, at a push of a button, will adjust set points, manage alarms, provide critical data feedback (such as ozone output, temperature, pressure, flow, oxygen concentration, etc).

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